Hello all, joeyhops is BACK!
For those who have been wondering where has my virtual self gone too, i'm ashamed to admit that it was quite dead for some time. But who cares about the past, lets kick off with some new insight which i uncovered today:
It all started with just being a little down coz of challenges at job applications. Felt frustrated because i had put in so much effort into my work and internships the last two years and i felt nothing was coming out of it. At the same time, my spiritual life has been dry. My dad was advising me, to just come back and speak to Him, trust Him and the rest will fall in place.
Ironically, no one but me knows why i keep drying up. Its because i simply can't see/feel God physically even though he has been working in my life. His Word, try hard as i may, does not come alive to me.
(Read Eph 1:18 first) ---- Before we look at them take note here of this phrase “eyes of the heart.” That is what we need to have enlightened. The glory of God in his wisdom and revelation is not seen by the physical eye. You can read and hear God’s revelation till you are blue in the face, and if the eyes of your heart are not enlightened, you will not see and savor the beauty and sweetness of God’s wisdom and revelation. You will not know God. Something must happen to us. We must have a heart that sees spiritual reality. This is a gift from God. That is why Paul is praying for it. The things we need most, we cannot get on our own. That is why prayer is utterly crucial in the Christian life. When someone says, “I get along just fine without prayer,” they don’t know what they are missing. They are missing it now. They will miss it forever. If you can get something now on your own, you will lose it at death. It’s not worth much. But if you pray for what you cannot get on your own now, and God gives it to you—a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him, that is, the enlightenment of the eyes of your heart to know him—you will not lose that at death. And it will give you sweetness of pleasures now and inexhaustible joys for eternity. That is what we should pray for.
Very eloquent. This is the first time someone ever wrote spiritual advice so simply and succinctly. My mum has attempted to explain this to me, but somehow it never caught on. But the truth is, for Christians who fall away; they fall away due to a lack of spiritual reality. How easy it is to blindsided or be discouraged by the ' harsh reality' of this world, and never come to know that the power of God lies in spiritual reality, a realm that exists but we cannot see, make no attempt to trust and ultimately fall away before believing.
I guess its a great learning lesson for me, to believe in the power of the spiritual realm. Of course there remain much physical work and effort to be put in (for the job search). But somehow, i think, the orientation.... is being to become one of faith, not just perseverance.